Sunday, September 27, 2020


Slater and Devil Fires Update

Sunday, September 27, 2020, 7:30 a.m.

Fire origin: September 8, 2020
South Zone Slater/Devil Fire Info (530) 324-2528; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
North Zone Slater Fire Info (503) 867-8593; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
General Fire Info - Wildland Info Center: (458) 206-3043; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Media Information: (541) 249-5117; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

The Josephine County Sheriff’s office removed and reduced some evacuation levels, described below. The little rain the area received has not reduced the fire danger. A hot front is moving into the area, with expected high winds. This weather will likely increase fire activity. Fuels remain very dry. Patrols are still finding abandoned illegal campfires. Campfires are illegal right now.
Slater Fire: Crews have completed their work closer to Gasquet, so those crews moved to the southside of the fire on Highway 199. South of O’Brien, crews are mopping up and will be connecting more lines in the coming days. More firefighters and engines moved to the northernmost part of the fire, south of Holland, to continue mopping up. Crews are digging line directly along the fires edge near Browntown.  Firefighters continue widening control lines around the fire to protect communities, forests, and other resources. 

Devil Fire: Crews on the Devil fire have made good progress on the southeast side of the fire and are continuing to build line along the southwest side.  
Weather:  A Red Flag Warning is in effect from Sunday night through Monday evening. The hot, dry weather will move in Sunday and persist through the week. Winds from 10-20 mph and gusts to 30 are expected to increase fire activity. 

Josephine County Sheriff’s Office removed the Level 1 evacuation order for the area  and roads connected to the following – north of Caves Highway from the west end of Holland Loop Road to Grayback Road; U.S. Highway 199 between mileposts 34 and 37; Lone Mountain Road; O’Brien Road; and Waldo Road from U.S. Highway 199 to 900 Waldo Road. Lowered from Level 2 to Level 1: the area on Highway 199 between mileposts 34 to 38.5 including connecting county roads; Waldo Road from 900 Waldo Road to 3200 Waldo Road; Wood Creek Road from Waldo Road to Shepherd Hill Road; Rockdale Road and connecting roads; Holland Loop Road from Caves Highway to Hayes Cut-Off Road; Holland Loop Road from 8000 Holland Loop Road to Caves Highway; White House School Road and connecting roads. Lowered from Level 3 to Level 2: the area on U.S. Highway 199 between milepost 38.5 and the Oregon state line; residents at 34975, 34987, 34095, 35053, 35055 Redwood Highway; Shepherd Hill Road; Waldo Road between 3200 Waldo Road to Takilma Road; Takilma Road and connecting roads from Holland Loop Road to the Oregon state line; Happy Camp Road and connecting roads to the forest boundary; Dick George Road and connecting roads from Takilma Road to Holland Loop Road; Holland Loop Road and connecting county roads between Hayes Cut-Off Road and 8000 Holland Loop Road. Remaining at Level 3: The mining claims and residents located beyond the intersection of beebee Drive and Althouse Creek Road.

Josephine County information: 541-474-5305 or,, or

Siskiyou County information: (530) 841-2900 or

Del Norte County information: (707) 464-7213 or  and
Closures:  The USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region extended the Regional Order through September 30, 2020, temporarily closing nine national forests, including the Six Rivers and Klamath National Forests. The region is under emergency fire restrictions.  

Effective yesterday, parts of both the Wild Rivers Ranger District and Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District on the Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest reopened.  Some areas remain closed for emergency crews’ safety and to allow for fire suppression and burned area recovery.  Find updated closure orders and maps at:

The Bureau of Land Management Medford District rescinded public lands closure notices across much of the District. Public lands closures remain in effect near the Slater Fire. Closure area maps are available at:

Printable version to today's update can be found here
Printable version of today's map can be found here 

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