Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Slater and Devil Fires Update, September 22, 2020

Slater and Devil Fires Update

Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 7:30 a.m.
Fire origin
: September 8, 2020
outh Zone Slater/Devil Fire Info (CA) (530) 324-2528; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 
North Zone Slater Fire Info
 (OR) (503) 867-8593; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 
General Fire Info
 - Wildland Info Center: (458) 206-3043; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. 
Media Information
: (541) 249-5117; 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
North Zone Emai
l: Slaterfirenorth.information@gmail.com
South Zone Email:


The Slater fire is 148,677 acres and 22 percent contained. The Devil fire is 7,458 acres and is 18 percent contained. The Josephine County Sheriff’s office reduced the Dick George Road evacuation level to Level 2 “Be Set.” Greenview Drive remains in evacuation Level 3 “Go” status.

Cave Junction remains at Level 1. For more information, visit the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office website.

Slater Fire

North Zone: Smoke was visible today as isolated interior areas of the fire burned as the inversion lifted and ridgetop winds blew. Crews are working as close to the fire as they can to keep the fire from growing. The fire's movement to the southwest and south has slowed as the fire burns into old fire scars.

Hand crews and dozers have been working west of Highway 199 to construct indirect control lines. Crews have almost completed the lines from Highway 199 along Monkey Ridge and back around the top of the fire to Highway 199.

Mop up activities are nearly complete on the northwest side of the fire. Night crews monitored the burn operations south of Holland to secure that edge of the fire. Firefighters are reinforcing indirect lines in the northeast section, south of Oregon Caves, to protect the monument.

South Zone: With a lot of black line along the south side of the fire in and around Happy Camp, crews continue to patrol and reassign equipment to other areas of the fire. Firefighters continue to mop up and monitor along Highway 96, while helping fire back down into the Thompson Creek drainage. Protection remains behind residences in Seiad for now and firefighters are stationed there to defend that line. Last night an infrared flight showed the fire’s footprint is 150,230 acres.

Devil Fire: The fire continues to burn mainly to the southwest. Winds could pick up to 15-20 miles per hour today coming from the southwest, with a chance that fire activity could increase. However, a small amount of rain is expected Wednesday night or Thursday. Last night an infrared flight showed the fire’s size is 7,784 acres.
Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 2 will assume command of the entire Slater and Devil Fires (north and south zones) at 6 p.m. today, as California Interagency Incident Management Team 10 transitions out.

Weather: Tomorrow winds from the southwest are expected to be 10-15 miles per hour with gusts up to 25.

Josephine County Sheriff’s Office reduced the Level 3 “Go” status of Dick George Road area to Level 2 “Be Set” for all residences located on the following road systems including secondary roads; Takilma Rd from Holland Loop Rd to 7050 Takilma Rd, Dick George Rd, River Grove, Beaver Meadow, Ridge Vista, Glory Ln, Lamont Way, Shadow Wood Dr, Jackadel Ln and Kirkham Rd. Greenview Drive remains in Level 3 “go” evacuation status. The Cave Junction area was reduced Level 1 “Be Ready.”

All other evacuation levels remain the same. For more information, visit the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office website.Evacuation information is available at 541-474-5305 (8 a.m. – 8 p.m.) or: www.facebook.com/josephinecountyEM,www.co.josephine.or.us/fire, or www.rvem.org

Siskiyou County evacuation information is at: www.facebook.com/SiskiyouCountySheriff/.

Del Norte County evacuation information is at: www.facebook.com/DelNorteOfficeOfEmergencyServices and www.preparedelnorte.com/

Closures: The USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region has extended the Regional Order temporarily closing nine national forests in California, including the Six Rivers and Klamath (including the part in Oregon) National Forests. This decision will continue to be reviewed daily with changing fire and weather. The entire region is also under emergency fire restrictions.

Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has temporarily closed the Wild Rivers Range District and Siskiyou Mountains Ranger District. Find closure orders and maps at www.fs.usda/gov/alerts/rogue-siskiyou/alerts-notices

The Bureau of Land Management Medford District temporarily closed many areas of public lands to support fire suppression efforts and to prevent new fire starts. Maps of the closure areas are available on the Bureau of Land Management's website: www.blm.gov/programs/public-safety-and-fire/fire-and-aviation/regional-info/oregon- washington/fire-restrictions.

Printable PDF of Today's Update can be found here
Printable PDF of Today's Map can be found here

Vocabulary word of the day: Fire Scars 
A forest with burned trees

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